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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What IS crypto?
A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency based on cryptography that is virtually impossible to counterfeit. Cryptocurrencies are often referred to as tokens. Depending on their design principles, they can be used as a store of value, as a technology incubation platform, or as a medium of exchange for payment for goods and services.
2. Is this like stocks?
Not really. Stocks are small pieces of companies that those companies list on public exchanges, while cryptocurrencies are digital, decentralized coins that can increase or decrease in value.
3. Is there any risk?
As with all kinds of asset classes, there is always risk involved when investing. Crypto is considered volatile due to how much, and how quickly, its value can change. Like all currencies, there's potential for gains and losses, and we can't protect you from losses as a result of market volatility. Be sure to do your research and buy and sell carefully.
on the same day New currency 1. What IS crypto? A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency based on cryptography that is virtually impossible to counterfeit. Cryptocurrencies are often referred to as tokens. Depending on their design principles, they can be used as a store of value, as a technology incubation platform, or as a medium of exchange for payment for goods and services. 2. Is this like stocks? Not really. Stocks are small pieces of companies that those companies list on public exchanges, while cryptocurrencies are digital, decentralized coins that can increase or decrease in value. 3. Is there any risk? As with all kinds of asset classes, there is always risk involved when investing. Crypto is considered volatile due to how much, and how quickly, its value can change. Like all currencies, there's potential for gains and losses, and we can't protect you from losses as a result of market volatility. Be sure to do your research and buy and sell carefully. New on